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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: John Barrowman Tour 2011
BeitragVerfasst: So 4. Dez 2011, 23:01 

Registriert: So 18. Okt 2009, 22:32
Beiträge: 2949
Wohnort: Dresden
Giotto hat geschrieben:
da hat es doch tatsächlich eine gute seele geschafft fast das komplette Konzert in Glasgow mitzufilmen und bei Youtube reinzustellen in 40 chronologisch durchnummerierten stückchen. :rosethumb

Dann kann man sich wenigstens seine eigene DVD zusammenbasteln. Der Ton ist gut finde ich und auch die meisten Aufnahmen isnd relativ brauchbar. Auf jden Fall besser ausl nichts! Und da es das Konzert von Glasgow war, ist auch wirklich alles dabei! :grinser


viel spass beim durchschauen, aber nehrmt euch zeit mit. wenn mans komplett angucken will sind es ca. 2 Std und 40 Minuten

Ich kann noch was besseres bieten. Ist noch in Arbeit, aber ich weiß von einer, die die verschiedenen Youtube-Videos zusammenschneidet, so dass man richtig mal Großaufnahme und mal tanzende Tänzer hat, oder zum Beispiel bei dem Lied "You raise me up" einerseits die Fotos, die im Hintergrund eingeblendet werden, und unten hat sie mit Bild im Bild gleichzeitig John in groß. Wenn DAS mal fertig ist, dann ist es wirklich fast wie eine DVD. Rein filmtechnisch habe ich von verschiedenen Orten nämlich durchaus bessere Liedaufnahmen gefunden als die von CodenameSherry, aber ihr Verdienst ist zweifelsfrei das komplette Konzert.

Inklusive des Handyklingelns bei "The Winner Takes it all" - da fällt John dann mal kurz aus der Rolle, weil es echt im falschen Augenblick kam.

Bild Spaß mit Actionfiguren auf http://dieastra.livejournal.com

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: John Barrowman Tour 2011
BeitragVerfasst: Mo 5. Dez 2011, 11:09 

Registriert: Mi 21. Okt 2009, 11:06
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Wohnort: wabu i ob
Astra hat geschrieben:

Ich kann noch was besseres bieten. Ist noch in Arbeit, aber ich weiß von einer, die die verschiedenen Youtube-Videos zusammenschneidet, so dass man richtig mal Großaufnahme und mal tanzende Tänzer hat, oder zum Beispiel bei dem Lied "You raise me up" einerseits die Fotos, die im Hintergrund eingeblendet werden, und unten hat sie mit Bild im Bild gleichzeitig John in groß. Wenn DAS mal fertig ist, dann ist es wirklich fast wie eine DVD. Rein filmtechnisch habe ich von verschiedenen Orten nämlich durchaus bessere Liedaufnahmen gefunden als die von CodenameSherry, aber ihr Verdienst ist zweifelsfrei das komplette Konzert.

Inklusive des Handyklingelns bei "The Winner Takes it all" - da fällt John dann mal kurz aus der Rolle, weil es echt im falschen Augenblick kam.

na dann immer her damit! :rosethumb :rosethumb

Laugh often, long and loud!
Laugh until you gasp for breath!

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: John Barrowman Tour 2011
BeitragVerfasst: Mo 5. Dez 2011, 17:21 

Registriert: Di 30. Mär 2010, 11:20
Beiträge: 4126
Wohnort: Jena
Das Glasgow Konzert ist mir auch schon über den Weg gelaufen. Das mit dem Handy fande ich ja auch nicht so toll.
Mich hatte ja auch schon den Jagd und Sammeltreib gepackt, was Videos vom Konzert angeht, besonders, weil meine Mama so traurig ist das es dieses Jahre keine DVD gibt. Dafür habe ich ihr aber schon mal eine Audio CD mit den Songs gemacht, die laufen jetzt hier in der Dauerschleife. :mrgreen:
Ich würde es ja hoch laden für die es interessiert, aber im Moment stehe ich sehr auf Kriegsfuss mit Flick,Photobucket usw.

Auf jedenfall würde ich diese Mitschnitte vom der Person nehmen. Wenn schon keine DVD dieses Jahr. :mrgreen:


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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: John Barrowman Tour 2011
BeitragVerfasst: Sa 31. Mär 2012, 00:24 

Registriert: So 18. Okt 2009, 22:32
Beiträge: 2949
Wohnort: Dresden
Da ja nun bald die Sommerkonzerte anstehen, dachte ich es wäre höchste Zeit für meinen ausführlichen Tourbericht über das Cardiff-Konzert im November letzten Jahres. Ihr habt zwar die Videos sicher auf youtube schon gesehen, aber ich hatte versprochen, das alles in die richtige Reihenfolge zu bringen, samt Stories und Bildern. Wir haben tatsächlich das komplette Konzert zusammenbekommen, dank all der fleißigen Fans.

Aber zuerst möchte ich Euch auf das Projekt von Happyhybrid aufmerksam machen, denn sie hat viel Arbeit hineingesteckt. Sie hat all diese youtube-Videos genommen, und so zusammengeschnitten, dass man auch mal verschiedene Perspektiven bekommt - mal eine Großaufnahme von John, dann wieder die komplette Bühne mit Tänzern. Fast wie eine richtige DVD. Ihr könnt diese Videos hier auf ihrer Seite sehen:

Ein großes Dankeschön auch an Rheidol, die über mein Englisch drübergeguckt hat, und an alle, deren Bilder ich verwenden durfte. Und jetzt entschuldige ich mich dafür, dass ich wieder einfach nur die englische Version hier reinpacke. Ich hoffe, das ist okay, falls nicht, lasst es mich bitte wissen.

Und nun viel Spaß mit dem Bericht - klickt einfach auf alles, was wie ein Link aussieht. Denn John erzählt die Geschichten zwischen den Liedern so viel lustiger als ich sie je aufschreiben könnte.

1st Half

The concert started with the curtain still closed and we only saw the silhouette of John in his typical concert pose, with raised up arm, already dancing.

Picture by Giotto - used with permission

Then a voice announced: “Ladies and Gentlemen – John Barrowman!” and the curtain fell and he started straight away with

“Celebration” (Kool & The Gang)

John wore a blue shirt and a suit with corresponding blue sparkly lapels. The dancers, also called “The J4s”, were dressed in a lovely way and were in full action as well. I really love it when John moves in a nice choreography together with them. It looks all so easy, as if he just in this minute decides to do a few moves, but of course all is well rehearsed. How one can at the same time sing AND not forget to do the right steps is beyond me ;)

It definitely started the evening well (and it was even a song I knew beforehand! Yay! LOL) and it did set the right mood for the things to come. Let’s party!

While singing, John also walked to the far ends of the stage left and right, to wave at the people in the side blocks. He got then greeted with a loud Squee from there. The song finally ended on a high note and a lovely pose with him and his dancers:

Picture by Iris - used with permission

Another song followed right after that.

“Listen to the Music” (Doobie Brothers)

After the first verse we got treated to a lot of hip swings, which raised another loud Squee from the audience ;) You can see it in the video above. There also was a moment where The J4s stood more or less still and John walked from one to the other and touched them and then they started to dance.

Apparently the men with the wind instruments also use to have fun with this number, but I did not notice this for myself. I got told by a friend that they were clapping, then doing roly-polys with their hands and every time the chorus came around they cupped their right ear to “listen to the music” and on the line “all the time” they tapped their watches on the word “time”.

Based loosely on James Bond: One concert is not enough.

Then it was time for John’s welcome speech. He promised us, hard times aside, that we would be entertained that night. And he certainly held his promise.

Picture by Iris - used with permission

Because of the picture that was shown behind him he encouraged us also to go and ”fart sparkles”
– it surely will live up the neighbourhood! And if we get asked where we have been just say “At a John Barrowman concert!”

Then he said, there are some new and old faces among the musicians, and walked from one to the other pointing to their faces: “We got a new face, an old face, a new face, an old face… “ (continuing for a while) and finally the guy on guitar was: “… a big face.” He especially introduced Matt at the keyboards, because Matt’s from Cardiff! John commented on Matt’s age: “You could be my son! No – never happened…”

It led to John talking about his business partner and friend Gavin Barker, with whom he owns “Barrowman Barker Productions” and he showed a picture of him and Gavin. “Guess who is who! He needs to have some work on his teeth!” LOL Sorry, didn’t photograph that one, here is a screenshot from the video above:


But that was not Gavin of course, here is what he looks like. This picture must be a few years old, John mentioned that both of them would not fit into their suits anymore.


And John said that Gavin is a big Gay. He also asked if there are any Gays in the audience and there responded quite a few, which made him happy. So, what do gay people love? A good Barry Manilow song. John then showed a picture of the night where Barry had invited him to sing a duet at a Proms in the Park concert in Hyde Park, they are good friends now and apparently Barry told John he could sing any song of his that he likes, and he chose the next one because there is a story that it actually was written for a puppy dog.

03 “Mandy” (Barry Manilow)

The video and sound quality in the Watford video is HD and superb. My only complaint is that John’s long note near the end which raised loud cheers is rather short in this – I happen to think that we got more from “Mr. Leatherlung” in Cardiff. If you like, you can also check out Manchester with a rather impressive 13 seconds (yes I counted):

“Mandy” in Manchester

Next up were some family pictures with wee John and all the others being much younger as well – Mom with sunglasses, Carole with pigtails and John and his brother in short pants, and he talked and joked a bit about those


He asked if we also think that he looks like his Dad in this picture. His brother Andrew stands there with his head a little bent – the family had no idea at this time that their other son would come out really bent (and John bent sideways ;) )

When he was a little boy he entered a lot of competitions for muscle men:


“And I continue to enter the muscle men – oh, that somehow didn’t come out right!” ;)



He asked if there are any mothers in the audience who also put a bowl on their son’s heads to cut the hair. Some said yes and he returned that they will burn in Hell ;)
He also wears a “Grease” T-shirt in this picture. He loved “Grease”. John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John – “Guess who I wanted to be!”

So, when they left Scotland to move to America, John had a few things he thought he would never see again, one of them was the Eurovision Song contest. So we got a medley with some of his favorite Eurovision songs!

04 “Eurovision Medley”

The J4s joined him of course in some colorful clothes and did some Seventies dance numbers. But not only that, they also upgraded to singing now and sang together with him! First song was “Save your kisses for me” by Brotherhood of Man and I sang along right away. Then followed “Boom Bang A Bang” by Lulu. After that Kate, James, Jenny and Jamie asked whether it now was time for their own number. It has been four years now! John asked James to kiss him but he declined with a funny expression and walked on ;) Jamie even went down on his knees and declared they would do anything. I’m not sure he really had thought this through ;)

Then they stood on the side with very sad faces. John said: “Don’t laugh, this is your big acting moment!” So funny ;)

The audience was all “Awwwwwwww” so of course, when John asked whether we really want to see a solo number of them we said YESSSSSS! So the four of them without John sang “Making your mind up” by Bucks Fizz and I really felt like having been put back into the Seventies. Loved the whole thing. Back then at least some really good worldwide hits came out of this contest, nowadays you don’t even remember the 1st place from last year. During the song they also ripped off the clothes of each other – first the boys the skirts from the girls, and the girls ripped off the pants from the boys, to much squeeing from us of course. They all ended up standing there in short golden hot pants (or “Kylie pants” as John called them) and John joined for the finale with ABBA’s “Waterloo”. By this time we all were dancing in our seats.

The whole set was really great, and very sparkly.

After the song had ended they bowed, but then The J4s were taking all the applause, pushing John to the back. He got more and more agitated while we laughed and laughed. Jamie even said that J4s merchandise is available in the hallway before John snatched away his microphone.

John introduced the next song just by saying that Gary Barlow had written it.

05 “What About Us” (John Barrowman)

The guys with the wind instruments in the back didn’t have anything to do at one moment, so they waved their arms from one side to the other, and of course the audience joined in. I took off my eyes for a quick moment from John and looked behind me – it was a great sight! Near the end John also joined in with the waving.

I really wonder how they do the backing vocals in such songs though. Clearly they are pre-recorded, yet the band plays live and of course John sings live, too. So what if they do it slightly faster or slower than the original track? How does it work? In any case, I am happy that John also has original songs which are no covers, now even two of them (the second one will be covered later in this report).

Then John showed a nice picture of himself with Scott


and asked how many of us had partners. There were mostly female voices shouting “Yeah!” Then he asked about husbands, this time many female voices. Then he asked for wives. There were definitely less deep male voices. John cracked up and said he loves this every time, first the high pitched females and then the low males.

He then asked "How many of them have what I call a Selective Mute Button?"

And he started to act out how he would come home, and wanting to tell Scott about his day, but in the middle the mute button comes on and John continued to talk animatedly, but it looked like the microphone was off and we didn’t hear a thing. He pulled some very funny faces, this went on for a while ;) And after a while Scott would look up from his book and ask: “Are you talking to me?” ;)

John thinks the selective mute button only comes off when men hear the words “dinner” – “football” – “beer” – “sex”. Equally, women only hear “shopping” – “handbags” – “glass of Chardonnay” – “fabulous shoes” – each word was followed by a bigger squeal from the audience. Well, apparently I am not fitting into the norm ;)

John recently got an honorary Doctorate from the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama. “I’m a Doctor!” and with a beat “Who? – Okay, that was a cheap one, but very effective.” When he and Scott travelled home from the ceremony by train (another thing I love about him – he uses publish transportations like trains when it is comfortable, like any ordinary bloke – there are lots of Twitter pictures to prove this), John was sitting at his table, listening to music on his headphones and thinking about which songs to put into the tour, and Scott was doing Sudoku. John called him “Suzie Sudoku” and admitted that he hates Sudoku.

At one point, Scott shook John by the shoulder and said that someone wanted him in the next carriage. John thought that maybe someone wanted an autograph and so he got up and walked over (isn’t he lovely? I mean, really *sigh*). He opened and closed the door (he acted it all out and made the noises of the opening and closing train doors) and came right to a woman giving birth. “Ladies, you know I’ve never been there, but now is not the time to start!”

The guy who helped her turned to him and asked perplexed: “What the hell are you gonna do, we need a Doctor!” And John answered: “Well, I am a Doctor of Musical Theatre, I can do a number” and he did a bit of dancing with a turn on stage, watch the video above to see it! One of the things I cannot describe in words, you have to see it with your own eyes.

But apparently he was the wrong kind of Doctor, and when John came back to Scott to chide him he just shrugged and said that he thought they needed someone with a Doctorate. By this time the whole audience was in stitches. John clearly has a talent for telling funny stories. Here’s an idea: Someone should pitch the “Gill & Barrowman comedy show” to the BBC! I’d watch it.

But John hadn’t finished with his story yet, he showed another picture of Scott – wearing just a towel at his hips and another at his head, and he said “That’s how I get to see him every morning”.


It was followed by another picture which I sadly was not fast enough to photograph, it showed Scott lying asleep with a book on his chest – “and that’s how my family sees him at parties.” You can see it in the video above, though. Here is a screenshot.


The last picture was the best, it showed John and Scott from behind, holding hands, and the audience went “Awwwwww!”


“…and of course, no matter what they do, we still love them, right?” There was not much enthusiastic response from the audience and John doubled over cracking up, saying we now ruined his transition into the next song, because how shall he sing a love song when we respond just with “meh”? John really had difficulties to put himself together after this for the rather serious song, because we started so snigger again and again. He pulled out a bar stool, sat down and tried to take a deep breath, even encouraged us to do it together with him to get some composure back, but to no avail. In the video from Cardiff you can still see him smile and shaking his head after the music already had started.

“Put your arm around your husbands, wives, partners or the person you actually shouldn’t be caught being here with!” And then he started to sing

06 “And I Love You So” (Don McLean)

I’ve never heard this beautiful song before (even though I found out now that also Elvis Presley and Shirley Bassey and a lot more sang it – guess it’s one of those that everyone has sung) but I really love it and can’t get it out of my head now. John is very educational for me, last year I discovered a few new (for me at least) songs as well which are now my favouritest.

After the song was finished, some tour guy led Scott, who had been sitting in the audience, onto the stage. He literally pulled him out from behind the curtain by his hand so he wouldn’t run away. Scott wore his leather jacket and stood there having no clue what would come next. I expected maybe a “This is Scott” or a little kiss or something, but when John made him take off his jacket, because it is hot on stage, we all realized that this might take a little longer. Then he gave Scott a microphone and showed him how close to hold it with the words “just pretend that’s me!” (naughty, naughty! LOL) and Scott made as if he wanted to slap him ;)

John then started his speech: “I’m only doing this especially for Cardiff as it is our home town. Our neighbours have heard you singing, I have heard you singing, I know it’s your favorite song and just remember, there’s six thousand people out there watching.” Scott was all “NO!” but then the music started and he had no choice, so he sang

07 “Rhinestone Cowboy” (Glen Campbell)

At first I felt for him, he looked a bit shy up there, with his thumb in his jeans pocket to hold on tight, but as the song went on, he got more and more confidence and the voice got stronger, and with the first chorus he put out his hand to John and they put their arms around each other and stood really close and sang together, and you really could see how proud John was and how much this meant to him. It must have been a long dream for him to do this together.

When the second verse started, John took Scott by the hand and led him first to one side then to the other side of the stage “You gotta work the audience!” They ended up in the middle again to finish up the song with John giving us another example of his very looooooooooooong notes and we all squeed like we have never squeed before and gave a big applause. Those concerts are becoming more and more a family affair. I think Scott did very well under the circumstances, without any preparation. It was good to see him smile, I guess he also was a bit stunned that he got so much applause. You can have that anytime you come back on stage, honey.

John gave the jacket back to Scott, he gave a little bow and wave and left. I hear when he came back to his seat he got a big hug from John’s parents. Didn’t see that as it was behind my back. I also hear after he had sat down he put his face into his hands and shook his head, maybe only just now registering what he just had done. Apparently Scott’s parents and brother also were there, surely being very proud. On stage John said that probably he will be killed in the evening when he gets home, followed by a very proud “Wasn’t he good, though?” Of course we agreed.

In Glasgow they sang the song again, this time apparently Scott was prepared. You can watch it here:

“Rhinestone Cowboy” in Glasgow

At a convention John also has told us that one evening he found Scott checking out videos of it on youtube ;)

I love that several people covered this, it was an unforgettable moment, one that probably never will come back, and I am happy that I am able to share it with all my friends back home or over the big pond who could not come and see it for themselves. Isn’t the Internet a great place?

For the last few songs now two dark sweat spots had appeared on John’s chest, which you could clearly see when the jacket opened a little wider. Check it out in the “I love you so” video, if you like. I’ve never before have anyone else seen sweating in this particular way. I think it’s cute ;) Well, I probably think everything John does is cute, but there you go, I’m biased. Sue me. In any case, it was time for his well deserved break (and to give him time to change into another suit – one of many more to come) and so he introduced Jodie Prenger. He met her first when he was a judge on the TV show “I’d do anything” and she won the role of Nancy in the musical “Oliver”.

Jodie wore a long blue glittery dress and started with a mixture out of

08 “Freedom” & “Respect “ (Aretha Franklin)

After that she chatted a bit and then followed with

09 “Under my Umbrella” (Rihanna)

Jodie left the stage, and John now turned up in a green shirt and a suit with green sparkle. He gave a little speech how he appreciates that in hard times like this people spend their well earned money on concert tickets to see him.

He also mentioned his new cosmetic line “HIM” which in September he personally sold on QVC – “I want to look like HIM! I want to smell like HIM! I just want HIM!!!” LOL - and after the first half hour it already was sold out. Such things still amaze him and make him humble and he does not take them for granted at all.

Picture by Snow - used with permission

Therefore, he wanted to give back to us with a special song, and he went to the people who have written “Hero” for Enrique Iglesias and told them to write a song for him. The outcome was

10 “I Owe It All to you” (Mark Read)

I must admit when I first heard the song on the radio I didn’t like it that much, but back then I also didn’t know that it was specially written for John. I thought it was just another cover (there is a song by Paul McCartney with the same title) and in the beginning it sounds a bit lame and boring. .
The first time I did not even listen till the end because I thought it dragged, can you believe that? So I missed when later the good parts come, because it is a typical John Barrowman song – starting slow but then becoming stronger and stronger and it has some interesting twists and I now really like it and I also think it is a very catchy tune which you can’t easily get out of your head once you’ve heard it

You might wonder why I put not the name John Barrowman in the brackets above. Which should be there if that song was written especially for him. Only, there can be a video found on youtube which shows that Mark Read sung it in 2009 already. I have no idea what exactly happened there and don’t want to start any rumors, but in the end it is just a love song and I always wondered a bit about the lyrics, as I didn’t quite grasp the meaning. In fact, I think last year’s ”From this Moment on” (Shania Twain) worked better as a thank you for the fans, as even though it was a love song as well, each line fitted very well.

Then John showed a couple of pictures of a flight to Hollywood – starring himself and Eve Myles, who plays Gwen Cooper in Torchwood. As the flight wore on, the pictures got more and more silly. I won’t even try to spell out what exactly John said and did – just watch the video and laugh ;)

Story of Flight to Hollywood






One of the reasons for his behaviour he gave with „There was free Champagne, I’m Scottish, I drank it – all of it." Apparently all the Champagne turned him into a French Lady which the Stewardesses tried to make sit down “Mr. Barrowman, could you please sit down, if you don’t we’re gonna land in Vancouver!”

All this lead up to a behind the scenes video where John and Eve sang the intro to the next song:

11 “Firework” (Kate Perry)

I have no memory of the introduction of the next song, but the beginning of the video shows that there must have been one. It followed

12 “Greatest Day” (Take That)

The J4s had been upgraded to background (or rather foreground) singers. I hope they get paid double now – for dancing AND singing!

After the song was over the band played on and John ran up and down stage like the proverbial Duracell-Bunny and waved to his audience. Astonished I looked at my watch. Was it the break already? The concert had started at 7:30 PM and now it was 8:40 PM, so over an hour already had passed. Felt like minutes to me. For months after buying the ticket you are looking forward to the evening, and then it is already half over. While when you are sitting at work one hour feels endless. I’ll never understand the measures of time. Must ask the Doctor. He should know.

At least we weren’t completely John- resp. Barrowman-family-less, as in the interval a lot of private pictures were shown at the screen – also lots of pictures from the recent France/Spain vacation which hadn’t been shared before.

When the break was over, the stewards told us to go back to our places. After everyone sat, suddenly a lot of pictures were taken. I turned my head to look at the point of interest and could see a big group of people being led to their places – amongst them Eve Myles, Gareth-David-Lloyd, John’s parents, Scott and a lot more people I don’t know. At least ten or fiftheen people. It was like a parade ;) Does anyone have a picture of that?

to be continued in part 2/2

Bild Spaß mit Actionfiguren auf http://dieastra.livejournal.com

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: John Barrowman Tour 2011
BeitragVerfasst: Sa 31. Mär 2012, 00:48 

Registriert: So 5. Okt 2008, 23:07
Beiträge: 10618
Wohnort: Calimport (nähe Duisburg)
wow.... was für eine Mammut-Arbeit!!!
I hab es jetzt nur überflogen, aber dieser Bericht ist es auf jeden Fall wert, Stück für Stück nochmal in Ruhe genossen zu werden - inklusive der Links.
Danke für den tollen Bericht! :rosethumb


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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: John Barrowman Tour 2011
BeitragVerfasst: So 1. Apr 2012, 15:13 

Registriert: Di 30. Mär 2010, 11:20
Beiträge: 4126
Wohnort: Jena
Ich liebe deine Berichte und die viele Arbeit die du dir gemacht hast. Als ich anfing mit lesen, viel mir eine wie wir alle nach dem Konzert in der Hotellobby um den Tisch herum saßen und versuchten alles gerade eben gesehene auf zu schreiben, besser gesagt du hast geschrieben. :mrgreen:
Ich hab an der Stelle mit dem Mute Button so gegrinst, weil im Konzert da hatte ich so einen lachkrampf über seine Darstellung.
Hast du wirklich super gemacht :knuddel


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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: John Barrowman Tour 2011
BeitragVerfasst: So 1. Apr 2012, 19:46 

Registriert: Mo 20. Jul 2009, 09:36
Beiträge: 6205
Wohnort: Bayern
Halie hat geschrieben:
Ich liebe deine Berichte und die viele Arbeit die du dir gemacht hast.

*nickt* Ja, deine Berichte sind mit so viel Liebe zum Detail verfasst.
Lese den Bericht, und fühle mich sofort wieder in Cardiff im Konzert. Hach, das war so schön.

Lieben Dank, Astra :knuddel :grouphug für diese wunderschönen Szenen vom Konzert


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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: John Barrowman Tour 2011
BeitragVerfasst: So 1. Apr 2012, 22:28 

Registriert: So 18. Okt 2009, 22:32
Beiträge: 2949
Wohnort: Dresden
Halie hat geschrieben:
Als ich anfing mit lesen, fiel mir eine wie wir alle nach dem Konzert in der Hotellobby um den Tisch herum saßen und versuchten alles gerade eben gesehene auf zu schreiben, besser gesagt du hast geschrieben. :mrgreen:

Stimmt! Eigentlich darf ich hier gar nicht das ganze Lob einstreichen, weil es wirklich eine Gemeinschaftsarbeit war. Jeder erinnert sich eben an etwas anderes - und den Rest hab ich dann durch die Videos bekommen. (Es wird mir wohl niemand verdenken, dass ich im Konzert nicht mit Zettel und Stift da sitze - da will ich nur genießen ;) )

Satia, ich weiß, dass es ein harter Brocken ist, aber ich lass Euch auch etwas Zeit, bis der nächste Teil kommt.

Danke Momo, ich freue mich, wenn ich Erinnerungen wecken konnte. Ich freue mich aber auch für alle, die nicht dabei sein konnten und so doch wenigstens ein bisschen.

Bild Spaß mit Actionfiguren auf http://dieastra.livejournal.com

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: John Barrowman Tour 2011
BeitragVerfasst: So 17. Jun 2012, 08:57 

Registriert: So 18. Okt 2009, 22:32
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Und hier kommt der zweite Teil vom Konzertbericht in Cardiff. Der erste Teil war hier gepostet, falls Ihr den noch nicht gesehen habt: http://tardis-torchwood.com/viewtopic.php?p=81305#p81305

Der Einfachheit halber hab ich wieder den englischen Bericht kopiert, ich hoffe, jeder versteht alles. Falls nicht, fragt einfach! Und klickt auf alles, was wie ein Link aussieht, dahinter verstecken sich zahlreiche Videos. Fast so schön wie live dabei sein. Und nun geht's los:

2nd Half

The second half started with

13 “Tonight’s the Night” (Rod Stewart)

After singing this song which is the version by Rod Stewart and NOT the one John sang as intro to his own show with the same name, John chatted a bit about his TV show which he co-produces with his manager and friend Gavin Barker and Barrowman-Barker-Productions.

They also have sold the show to several countries already, just recently they sold it to Canada, he also has flown to the USA to sell it there – and they sold it to Germany! When our country was mentioned, there was a huge Squee from all my German friends who sat together in one corner – I joined in as well of course. John looked a bit surprised about this reaction. We all are very curious who will be the presenter, as we at the moment have no such versatile TV entertainer like John. Hopefully a young talent will get a chance. It will be hard to step into his shoes though, as you need someone who can sing, dance, present and also be able to dress up in disguise and act different personalities when surprising the people, so they won’t recognize him (or her?) right away. I am really looking forward to whenever this will air.

Anyway, there are other countries where the show already is on Air, and in some in its third season even! “Would you like to see what I look like in some foreign countries?” Here I am in the Ukraine” (it was a nice young lady and I was surprised to see the intro being exactly the same as I know it, hadn’t expected that), “I am a hot young 28 year old in Sweden – and here I am in China, the country is so big, there’s two of me!” (a man and a woman) – “yeah, let’s finish with the hot 28 old from Sweden!”

John is very proud that his little show is now all over the world, and I think he can be! And I am glad that 321Madcow managed to capture the whole thing in her video above, if you haven’t watched it already, I give you time for it now.

Jenny and Kate, the two female dancers, joined John in a very orange outfit, and John continued to chat on about filming “Torchwood” in Los Angeles and spending much time with his parents in Palm Springs and he found some old photographs of himself which show him together with some famous people from there. He asked whether we recognize them. First was Bob Hope, that was easy. Then followed June Allyson, her most famous movie is “The Glen Miller Story”. John used to watch the old movies with his gran and when John met June years later she called him her Honey. John wears a very yellow jacket in this picture, maybe that’s why ;)

The next lady was Petula Clark, and of course only one song could now follow.

14 “Downtown” (Petula Clark)

We were encouraged to sing along and happily did so. At one point John wanted only the girls sing the “Downtown”, then all the men which sounded funny with their deep voices ;)

After this the funniest thing of the whole concert happened, and I won’t even try to describe the way John told the story. Just watch the video. Let’s just say it’s about him coming home unexpectedly when he was actually supposed to be away at university, and therefore accidentally interrupted the plans his parents had made for the evening.

John: “Why are you dressed like that?!?” – His mother: “You’re here because I dressed like that!!!”


Picture by Iris- used with permission

I love especially the way he makes all those noises for opening and closing the car doors etc. So here is, without further ado, the story about Ma & Pa Barrowman, their “date night” and how to keep it fresh , even if you are in your Fifthies already.

So, after this story set our minds to the right mood, John Barrowman senior appeared on stage, dressed as a builder

Picture by Iris- used with permission

And he had way too much fun with the chain hanging down his groin. John jr: "Don't keep swinging it around, you'll break it off!" – John sr: "That's what your mother said...”
I have a hard time understanding his Scottish though, so why don’t you just click the link and save me the embarrassment of trying. If you thought this couldn’t be topped, then Marion Barrowman appeared on stage, dressed as a Police woman. A very sexy Police woman. In suspenders. The British version of suspenders. Which would be garters in America. And she knew how to use her baton.

Picture by Iris- used with permission

And if you had not guessed which song would follow now, I am telling you. It was of course

15 “YMCA” (Village People)

After that we all needed a break, so the Barrowman family left the stage and Jodie Prenger came back on, singing

16 "Shake Your Tail Feather” (Ray Charles)


17 “Fields of Gold” (Sting)

Picture by Iris- used with permission

Then John came back. and told us about his niece Clare She was the first baby in the family and he has a very close bond to her. Some pictures were shown at the screen, of “Uncle John” with the kid, and he also told us about vacations he and Scott and Clare have done together.

Picture by Mac - used with permission

Picture by Mac - used with permission

Last year she also had made the cook book with the Barrowman recipes, that she gave them for Christmas present and John later let some print for the fans.

But he always said, one day she won’t need them anymore. But Clare said: “Everyone needs an uncle John and uncle Scott”. The audience awed on that.

But still, the day has come, she will get married in June 2012, and the young man who will become her husband – his name is, by all means, Casey, so if he chooses to take her name, which is Barrowman-Casey, he could name himself Casey Casey ;) Yes, John is easily amused LOL

Picture by Iris- used with permission

John called back Jodie, because the next song is a favourite song of Clare, from the Disney movie “Enchanted”. It’s called

18 “So Close” (Duet with Jodie Prenger)

Then John told about the three weeks he spent on the road at his vacation in France and Spain, together with his partner Scott and his sister Carole and her husband Kevin, and showed some pictures.

Picture by Mac - used with permission

One was all four of them laying in one bed, because somehow the hotel owner had assumed that it was a family with two children.

Picture by Mac - used with permission

This led to a medley of songs:

19 “September” (Earth Wind & Fire) / ”Holiday” (Madonna)

First all four dancers were with him on stage, but then suddenly the boys vanished. When they returned, they only wore speedos, snorkels, swimming aids and swimfins. You wouldn’t believe it, but they were able to dance with this, and not even bad. It looked rather funny, of course. Then the girls joined them, wearing red Baywatch suits and even having the buoy with them. But Kate had cheated and put some balloons under her suit, which inflated more and more, so she got some impressive boobs ;) Jenny wanted to do the same, but it didn’t work – John even tried to blow her up by putting her finger into his mouth but nothing worked ;)

Picture by Mac - used with permission

Later the boys took off the fins and aids, but still wore the white socks, which was a very unique look LOL

In the end somehow John got stuck with his nose between Kate’s balloon boobs and when they yanked him off he gave a funny squelching noise ;) Finally he somehow managed to burst the balloons – had gotten a needle from somewhere, and we were in stitches again. Yes, I am easily amused as well.

After the song had ended the girls left the stage but the boys had to collect their stuff yet which lay in the back. So they synchronous bent down, showing their backsides to the audience, which of course did not mind, not mind at all ;)


Then they collected their stuff and walked off stage, first holding hands, then even linking their arms. John commented: “If only their wives/girlfriends could see this!” I guess since he let them dance in drag last year they have lost all reservation ;) Wonder how he will be able to top that next time.

I’m not sure at which point in the programme it was, but John also threw the big white towel which he had used for wiping the sweat of his face the whole evening into the audience. It went flying directly into my direction. But my reaction time never was good and so I just fascinatedly watched how it sailed through the air, like in slow motion. If I really had wanted to, I could have jumped up, and snatch it right out of the air above the people in front of me.

But I don’t think I would have had any luck anyway, as they grabbed it really tight, there was even a little fight going on with the person sitting next to them (told you it was a big towel). Plus, what are you gonna do with such a towel full of sweat anyway? Clone your own little John? Hey, there’s an idea… be right back. ;)

It might have been here, it also can have been at another time, but when there was a slight pause someone from the audience yelled loud and clearly: “Love you John!” He laughed and said: “Okay, everyone get it out of your system at three-two-one-go:” and so the whole room yelled at once. My ears are still ringing ;)

It probably was good though that we had gotten it out of our system now, as the next song that followed was a rather serious one. John said that his mom called these songs greeting songs. He asked whether we knew what “greet” is – yes, we read the biography (both of them), it is Scottish for “crying”. The song that had gotten this label was

20 “You Raise Me Up” (Westlife)

I must admit the transition from laughter to emotional was a bit too quick for me. So it took me a while to get into the right mood. Funny which little things you notice – while the intro played John stood just there at the microphone stand, calm but for the fingers on his left hand which were twitching. But then he started to sing and his voice filled the room and after the first verse they started to show family pictures on the screen and they had me big time. I searched the internet high and low to find a video for you of this song which includes all pictures. It was not as easy as you think, as most fans who recorded it zoomed in to have a close up of John and only show one or two pictures. But in this case I think the pictures are important. So when you click the link with the song title above, you should get the full experience. When John was not singing, he also turned to the screen and just watched what was shown. Or maybe he just wanted surreptitiously wipe his eyes. Who knows.

I’m glad that in this video the screen hangs really high so you can see the pictures in full – in Cardiff it stood at the ground, so the bottom side often was hidden by the percussions, which was a bit distracting and you couldn’t see everything properly.

The pictures shown had John’s partner Scott of course, both parents, brothers and sisters, countless nieces and nephews (loved the one with the little boy and his smeared mouth full of some cream), wee John and his grandmother and more extended family, I did not recognize them all, business partners, friends and co-workers from “Doctor Who” and “Torchwood” and last but not least all the dogs, which made for some very cute and funny pictures with their big noses on screen. With the last line, when the “You raise me up to more than I can be” goes back from strong to soft he even included us, the audience into the list. That was nice.

I knew before of course that John likes to have a good relationship and also likes to work again with people he already knows and trusts, and by this extends the “family” more and more. But to see them all together in one place was really nice. I also loved the Celtic element in the song with the pipes and the flute.

Picture by Iris- used with permission

If you rather had the close-up of John, to see all emotions play out on his face and taking a deep breath in between verses to be able to sing on - well I can deliver that as well. Never say I wouldn’t do everything for my customers. This is “You raise me up” in Swindon, filmed by kingbantam:

Close-up You raise me up in Swindon by kingbantam

We were almost at the end of the official part, and it was time to introduce the band

The last song followed suit – it was

21 Hollywood (Michael Bublé)

Picture by Iris- used with permission

At the end the band played on and John and the J4 did their bows and then left the stage. Of course we didn’t want the evening to be finished yet, so we screamed and applauded till we got our wish.


I’m adding something here which only the audience in Edinburg and Glasgow got to see – but it is so special and emotional that I really want to share. It’s a medley of some Scottish traditional songs, and John even said in the beginning that he is not sure if he can make it through without bursting into tears

I love especially how the audience joins in at “Amazing Grace”. You can see Scott and John’s parents among them. Grab a tissue and watch

22 “Scottish Trilogy”

In Cardiff John talked about the first song of the encore and said that he hadn’t known it was his father’s favourite , he only found out after he had recorded it for his last album.

23 “The Winner Takes It All” (ABBA)

In Glasgow something awful happened. Someone’s mobile phone went off during this song – at the most quiet time. You can see how upset John is in this video. Right at the end when he sings “I don’t wanna talk…” and there is a pause. And worse, people start to laugh, ruining the emotional moment. He just waited a bit and then carried on, but I’m sure it wasn’t easy. After the song ended he asked if they wanted one more and after the audience agreed, he let his anger free: “Well turn off your bloody phone. It’s a theatre, you shouldn't need a phone in a theatre, right? Sorry. Almost ruined the moment.”

You can see all that in this video from Glasgow
The Winner takes it all in Glasgow by CodenameSherry

John then said something to which I have to agree, also from own experience: “I learned a long time ago that not everybody’s gonna liking you. As soon as you realize that and deal with it the easier life gets. Because there’s a lot out there who love me. I’m not gonna change. Because…

24 “I Am What I Am”

During the first notes of the song someone in Birmingham shouted “Love you John!” in a pause and while he sang on, a laughter rippled through the audience, so he finally had to stop and the band stopped as well and he smiled and responded: “Love you too – trying to sing a song here!”. Then he sang the next line and was very proud of himself: “Wow, still in tune!” You can see this in the beginning of this video:

I am what I am in Birmingham by Aimeejb1D

In Cardiff we had no such interruptions, except of course the big applause when he reaches the line “Give me the hook or the ovation…” As always, the song was the highlight of the concert, but rather than upbeat as usual (whenever I feel down I sing this song and immediately feel better) – this time it made me sad because I knew it was the last one – it is always the last one, and therefore the concert already was over.

Too short, way too short! Wanna more!

John reached the last notes, the band played the chorus again and again, therefore making sure we got it stuck in our ears for the next week, and John ran from one side of the stage to the other, waving to the audience, jumping up and down, dancing to the music. Really wonder where he takes his energy from.

That’s it, that’s my report, just finished in time for the next one. Next Sunday I will be at the London Hampton Court concert, cross your fingers that it won’t rain! Otherwise I threaten to tweet bathtub videos as well. Just like John did after he got soaked to the skin at the Queen jubilee pageant. But that’s another story.
Picture by Iris - used with permission

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BeitragVerfasst: So 17. Jun 2012, 11:29 

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Ich liebe es immer deine Berichte zu lesen. Man hat immer das Gefühl live dabei gewesen zu sein.


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